Sacred Noms Workshop
Integrative Nutrition and Functional Health
September 2025
Exeter, Devon, UK
Who Is This Workshop For?
This workshop is tailored for individuals who resonate with any of the following experiences:
• You are navigating weight imbalances and seeking sustainable solutions.
• You often feel lethargic, fatigued, or low in energy.
• You experience frequent mood swings and emotional instability.
• You struggle with binge eating, emotional eating, or patterns of over- or under-eating.
• You lack a conscious and supportive relationship with food for your overall wellness.
• You consume organic foods yet still feel less than optimal.
• You are interested in using nutrition as a tool for disease prevention but feel unsure where to start.
• You experience high levels of anxiety, stress, or emotional overwhelm.
• You find it hard to derive joy from experiences or feel that “everything is on your nerves.”
• You deal with physical symptoms such as acid reflux, bloating, or weight gain around your waist.
• You often feel brain fog, low stamina, or a lack of motivation.
• Your internal feelings don’t align with what you express to others when asked, “How are you?”
• Your memory has noticeably weakened, and you feel detached or prefer isolating from others.
• You are already working with a doctor to enhance your health and wish to complement their guidance with natural, nutritional strategies.
Aims of the Workshop
This workshop is designed to empower you with knowledge, skills, and tools to:
• Grasp the core principles of integrative nutrition and functional health.
• Discover your unique bio-individuality and understand what works for your body.
• Explore the concept of integrative nutrition and its holistic benefits.
• Build practical skills to manage your nutrition more effectively.
• Understand how food impacts anxiety, mood swings, and traumatic stress.
• Recognise the connection between mental health and integrative nutrition.
• Differentiate between primary and secondary food sources.
• Learn about the “two brains” (gut and mind) and their critical roles in health.
• Discover why detoxification is important and how to make it enjoyable.
• Unpack the relationship between inflammation, immunity, and the nervous system.
• Address emotional patterns that influence cravings and food addiction.
• Understand the science of food combinations and their effects on the body.
• Learn how to select the best food sources for your wellness journey.
• Explore strategies like crowding, elimination, and dieting for sustainable health.
• Reflect on weight as an indicator of holistic health.
• Develop the ability to create lasting, habitual transformations.
• Gain clarity on the role of supplements and vitamins—whether they’re necessary and how to use them wisely.
• Deepen your understanding of how nutrition directly impacts brain function.
• Identify actionable changes in your nutrition to enhance your overall wellbeing.
Workshop Format:
• Duration: One full-day workshop
• Capacity: Limited to 10 participants per session
• Delivery: Available both online and on-site
If you are interested, join the waiting list to secure your spot in this transformative experience.