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Workplaces Working Well Workshop

Trauma Informed and Psychologically Informed Workplaces


“To really change the world, we have to help people change the way they see things. Global betterment is a mental process, not one that requires huge sums of money or a high level of authority. Change has to be psychological. So if you want to see real change, stay persistent in educating humanity on how similar we all are than different. Don't only strive to be the change you want to see in the world, but also help all those around you see the world through commonalities of the heart so that they would want to change with you. This is how humanity will evolve to become better. This is how you can change the world. The language of the heart is mankind's main common language.” 

― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem


According to Statista in 2022, there is approximately 3.32 billion (out of the 8 billion total world population) people employed worldwide, with a 1.04 billion annual increase since 1991. 


There was a noticeable fall in global employment between 2019 and 2020 when the number of employed people fell from 3.3 to 3.19 billion, likely due to the sudden economic shock caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. 


According to WHO, $1 trillion lost globally every year due to anxiety and depression. Research indicates that employers spend an average of more than $15,000 annually on each employee experiencing mental health issues. When employers are facing uncertain economic times and budget cuts, implementing a proven, cost-effective mental health program is critical.


Employees spend more than 70% of their time either at work, thinking about work or finding work. According to a MetLife research healthy employees are 74% more likely to be satisfied with the job they have now, 74% more likely to be resilient and 59% more likely to feel engaged. 


According to Mental Health Foundation there is a 1 in 6.8 people who experience mental health problems in the workplace. 19.8 % of women in full time employment are likely to have a common mental health problem vs 10.9% of full time employed men. Evidence suggests that 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions. 


According to a survey that was delivered by PwC for the Times Health Commission Two-fifths of the 150 companies polled had experienced a rise in staff taking long-term sick leave due to mental ill health. In addition, two-thirds of employers had seen an increase in the uptake of counselling services since the pandemic. Data from the Office for National Statistics showed that that there were a record 2.5 million people unable to workdue to long-term sickness in the three months to January. In the spring budget, chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced measures to help tackle this issue, including a £400m plan to make more mental and physical health support available to workers.


Based on Mental Health Foundation better mental health in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion annually. 


On a smaller scale and based on 100 companies that I surveyed, with a total of 10,000 employees, more than 70% of employees reported the following symptoms when it came to their holistic health and mental wellbeing: 


  • Stress 

  • Lack of stability

  • Isolation / disconnection

  • Unhealthy physical environments 

  • No time to integrate a wellbeing orientated lifestyle

  • No work-life balance

  • Burnout

  • Not in the right job 

  • Feeling stuck

  • Underappreciated 

  • Mismanaged potential 

  • Not listened to

  • Under-valued 

  • Overthinking

  • Anxiety 

  • Panic attacks

  • Eating disorders: under eating / overeating / junk food

  • Low energy / lack of motivation / lack of emotional and mental energy / unhealthy weight gain 

  • Loss of interest / hopelessness 

  • Lack of engagement 

  • Lack of inclusion

  • Fear of being authentic

  • Feeling unsafe 

  • Irrational fears

  • Lack of neuro-divergence orientated approaches

  • Addictions (thoughts, behaviours, food, alcohol, hash)

  • Unbalanced core values and beliefs

  • Fatigue 

  • Depression 

  • Lack of considering individual purposes / voices in the collective vision / inclusion

  • Nutrition and the corporate overwhelm.

  • work-life balance.


Who are you?


  • A corporate

  • An organisation (includes gov, INGO, charities, academic institutions)

  • A Decision maker

  • A thought Leader

  • A Consulting Firm

  • HR or People and Culture Director / Manager / Team

  • Recruitment Firms


Wellbeing strategies are vital for corporate environments; they help you ensure that your human capital and workforce stay healthy and in a state that allows them to perform at their best. When health and happiness increase in a place, all aspects of communication and productivity optimise.


Managers / Leaders need to be confident of how to promote wellbeing at work and to recognise when stress is having a toll. All leaders have a duty of care towards who they lead. Acting as the first line of support for their teams, they play a key role in ensuring that organisational objectives are met. Without adequate training we leave frontliners ill-equipped to handle the barriers that disempower mental health. Supports those in managerial positions to understand how does mental health play


Pressure as with anything in life is relative. Some people find it motivating and some others find it overwhelming and can not cope with it. the workshop is aimed at cultivating resilience during stressful times. Stress is the root cause of many ailments with work place being one of the main causes for stress. 


My Mental Health and Holistic Wellbeing Consultation and programme is designed to create awareness on stress prevention and promoting resilience as part of employees personal growth plans. 


Topics includes:


Creating Psychologically / Trauma Informed Leaders:


  • Understand how to come to people management from an informed mental wellbeing approach.

  • Understand the relationship between mental well being, performance and productivity.

  • Understand the causes and effects of stress at the team level

  • Trauma, the nervous system and how does it affect connection and productivity.

  • Discover the physical, mental and emotional signs and symptoms of stress

  • Find optimal performance within their team through the lens of bio-individuality and neuroscience-diversity.

  • Manage stress and anxiety related absence

  • Tackle Presenteeism within a post COVID world.

  • Effective time and disruption management techniques.

  • Discuss the duty of care responsibilities for a line manager

  • Identify areas of action to create and maintain a mentally healthy workplace based on my unique framework.  

  • Improve their skills and confidence to support their team.

  • How to look after their wellbeing and create healthy boundaries in the workplace.

  • Tools for psychological informated leaders.


Managing Stress and Growing Resilience for Mental Health at the Workplace:


  • ​Stress: What is it? How is it being handled in toxic cultures?

  • Explore and appreciate the working environment and your approach to work.

  • Recognition of beneficial and healthy pressure and the difference of stress

  • Awareness of resilience.

  • Recognise how you react under pressure.

  • Be aware of your stressful operating pattern.

  • Manage the situation.

  • Recognise the impact on you when your resilience is low.

  • Working with your window of tolerance. 

  • Learn techniques to manage pressure and improve resilience

  • Recognition of the symptoms and triggers of stress on all levels: Cognitive - Emotional - Physiological - Behavioural.

  • Creating wellness on a collective and individual level.

  • What does it really mean to be resilient in the workplace?

  • Tools of intervention, coping and growing personal resilience.​

  • Inspired by more than 4000 years of wisdom and tradition of earliest civilisations, mindfulness and breath-work are practices of self healing and empowerment practices for combatting stress and boosting performance. They are practices that support reduce stress, anxiety and depression at the workplace. These are evidence-based approaches that increase emotional intelligence, improve decision-making and heighten focus and creativity


Inner Tools for Mental Health at the Workplace


This is a tools and activities packed workshop to cultivate work-Life balance through the practices of mindfulness and breath work. 


  • What is mindfulness? What is breath work?

  • Grounding principles and conceptions

  • How mindfulness can be useful when experiencing stress, social connection breakdowns, anxiety and lack of motivation?

  • How to be proactive before daily life becomes overwhelming

  • Putting it into practice

  • Cognitive exercise

  • Breathing techniques

  • Making plans for how best to respond 

  • Sustaining work0life balance.


Corporate Nutrition of Mental Health


Part of the fundamental components for our wellbeing is nutrition in its holistic sense and how it impacts our mental, emotional and physical health. My corporate nutrition workshop highlights the importance of healthy eating.

You will learn:

  • What is Integrative nutrition?

  • What is your bio-individuality?

  • Myths, facts and unpopular opinions about food.

  • Healthy eating in the workplace: tools and tips.

  • The 2 brain psychology and its relationship to stress management, anxiety and food.

  • Improving energy, cognition & concentration.

  • Holistic health in relationship to integrative nutrition. 

  • The workshop can be offered with an additional activity where we cook healthy delicious meals and eat together. ​


Grassroots solutions for the workplace:


Wellbeing Strategy for People and Culture:


The companies that practice got the most effective strategies for wellness, and those are few, are the ones who have developed their strategies working closely with mental health practitioners at the point of planting the seeds not as a remedy to what is not working. When your wellbeing strategy is a grassroots mechanism, it delivers the space through which you hold your employees and the mechanisms and channels through which you aim to connect with yourself, others, lead and inspire performance and productivity. 


In an ever-growing and evolving global culture, The ultimate goal of companies is how to stay competent amidst continuous change management through improving and altering how the work is done, more specifically post COVID. This can have an impact on processes, systems, structure and job roles in order to optimise risk exposure, minimise impact on staff and achieve success across the organisation.


Working closely with Senior Leadership teams and essentially the People and Culture teams to adopt a personalised approach to developing knowledge and insight into how to develop the most effective workplace wellness culture. I will work with you to inform, and guide how to identify, understand and help individuals who may be developing mental health issues.


Monthly Mental Health Awareness Days


A space where employers and employees get a chance to develop the knowledge and insights into how to understand, support, and contribute with compassion towards themselves and others who maybe developing mental health issues. 

The below are guidelines to topics we can discuss, though I prefer working with a personalised approach:

  • What is mental health? What are the 8 principles of mental health?

  • The central instrument of unlocking wellbeing at the workplace.

  • Understanding the importance of mental health in the workplace.

  • Emotional management, regulation and co-regulation.

  • Knowledge and awareness of common mental health issues:

    • Depression.

    • Anxiety.

    • Stress.

    • Individuals feeling suicidal.

    • People experiencing psychosis.

  • Tools to support individuals.

  • Action planning for wellbeing.


The above is a rough guide to topics that can be covered, but there is an array of topics can be covered guided the needs you have identified in your workplace culture. ​


Bespoke Programmes


You can access this services through the following steps:

1. Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultation appointment to explore your concerns, needs at the workplace and how can I support.

The consultation runs with decision makers within the organisation,, such as: Chief People and Culture Officer, People and Culture Directors, Learning and Development Directors, etc.

2.Assessment Report and Solutions on way forward based on your KPIs.

3. Execution strategy, milestones and audit consultations dates.

4. Way forward!​​​


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Copyrights @ 2007 Ghada Sharif-Clack. All rights reserved.

​This website is powered by love, respect to the universe, abundant gratitude to healers and seekers and a bountiful of good intentions transformed into human acts of grace.

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